What is the login and password for the article databases?
I want to search the research databases from home.
To log into the article databases from home, you can use our "quick access" login which is in all of the Library's brochures and on research stickers. Please use the Online Help Desk to receive this information online.
This log-in will give remote access to the Credo encyclopedia collection, all of the article databases, Films on Demand, and our e-book collection.
After you select a database to search, you will be asked for the login and password. Enter them in the appropriate boxes. Please note that they are case sensitive, so make sure you are not capitalizing anything or leaving any spaces. Make sure you are entering them into the boxes asking for username and password, not a library barcode.
Our complete list of databases is here
That should get you started on your research. If that doesn't work, write to us again through the Online Help Desk with more details about what is happening, and which database you are using.
Good luck with your research!
The YCCC Library