Tell me more about plagiarism and paper mills.

I'm thinking about buying an essay from a paper mill. Is that wrong?


So, you're thinking about buying a paper from a paper mill online because you're totally overwhelmed with work and OMG! 

OK, I get that, but trust me on this one: *don't do it*!  Here's some stuff you need to know:

Did you know that paper mills exist for one reason and one alone? 

      Yup.  The main purpose of paper mills is to make money off of financially strapped students.  Nice

      Did you know that most papers bought online are really easy to spot?

The “voice” of these papers doesn’t sound right – and faculty *do* get to know students’ “voices” in their writing.  Odd phrases and language that seem too academic can easily be Googled and found.

The bibliographies are also dead giveaways: old, out-of-date sources, not available from our library or even in the state.   Articles not available through any of our research databases.   Hmmmmm.

·         Did you know that most papers bought online are actually, um, crap and won’t get a good grade anyway?

Sorry.  They’re crap.  You have to pay upwards of $100 for a "decent", "well-written" paper guaranteed to receive an A.

·         Did you know that receiving plagiarized papers irritates and offends instructors?

Yup, it’s true.

·         Do you think that an irritated and offended instructor has any interest in grading a plagiarized paper?

No interest at all.   It is the instructor’s professional responsibility to report plagiarized papers and the offending student to the Dean of Students as a violation of the Code of Student Conduct.

·         Did you know that plagiarizing could result in failure of the paper, the class, and dismissal from the College?

It does happen at YCCC.  Students who plagiarize get caught every semester and those students pay the price.  Sadly, I can assure you that the cost of plagiarizing far exceeds the cost of a bought paper.

There are a lot of better options for students who are struggling with papers and workload.  If you are one of these students, stop by the Library for assistance with your research and your bibliography.  Stop by the Learning Center for help outlining and writing your paper.  We are here to support you as an efficient, ethical, and successful student.

Let us help you with your work.  Go back to the Online Help Desk and ask us your research question.  I think you'll be very happy with the results you get.  Then you can focus on your project better and avoid the pitfalls of plagiarism.

Your staff at the YCCC Library and Learning Center



  • Last Updated Jan 17, 2020
  • Views 257
  • Answered By Amber Tatnall

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