How do I access Noodlebib?


Hi YCCC Student!

NoodleBib will make your life SOOOO much easier when it comes to creating your bibliography! I highly recommend it!

When you use NoodleBib for the first time, you'll have to create an account for yourself.

  1. Head on over to NoodleBib.
  2. Click on the link to "Create a Personal ID."
  3. On the next page, you'll want to choose "An Account Linked to a School Subscription."
  4. You'll next be asked for a username and password. This one is different than our database user name/password. If you don't know the login and password, request one by filling out this short form.  Be sure to include your student ID#
  5. On the next page, answer the question "About You," and choose "YCCC" from the drop down menu.  Give your expected date of graduation.
  6. Create a user name and password for yourself, and off you go! In the future, just use your own username and password to enter NoodleBib.

Click here to see a slide show with screenshots that will walk you through the steps above.

It's a good idea to create the bibliography entries as you gather your research. That way, when you are writing your paper, all of your sources are right there. If you end up not using some of them, it is easy enough to delete them. Much easier than trying to create a bibliography at 2 am when you are trying to get your paper done! JMHO!

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Thanks and good luck!

The YCCC Library

  • Last Updated Jan 17, 2020
  • Views 464
  • Answered By Amber Tatnall

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