I can't get into Stat!Ref! HELP!!!!
I am a student in Medical Office Administration for the Medical Assisting program here at YCCC. You created a Subject Guide for the program, and it was required of our class these past couple of weeks to utilize the "Stat!Ref" program that was added to the Guide. I have been trying to use it, and it denies my access and states that the resources that I requested is already in use. I was just writing to you to ask why I cannot use those resources, and whether it is an issue with my computer or not. If you could get back to me as soon as possible it would be greatly appreciated!
Yes, very sorry. Our license with Stat!Ref only allows two students at a time to use it and everyone is using it right now! I would say, keep trying. We’re looking into getting more licenses so more folks can use it at once, but that won’t help you tonight.
Tip: when you get in, go to Advanced Search and select the CPT book from the list of books for the coding questions, then use the Search box at the top of the page to find the specific code for your homework questions. Some people have been browsing the Table of Contents and that takes *for-EVAH*! Then when you need to do the ICD questions, go back to Advanced Search and select *that* book for your new searches.
Good luck!