How do I find articles?


Hi YCCC student!

To find articles on your topic, you will need to search for them in an articles database.  We have many databases to choose from.  To select the database that is best for your topic, visit our Databases by Subject page or ask us for a recommendation through the Online Help Desk.

When searching the article databases from home, you will need the login and password which you can receive by requesting it from the Online Help Desk.

"Communicating" with your database can be challenging.  How do you know what words to type?  Here are some search tips for developing your "search query".  You can also ask your YCCC Librarians to recommend a good search query.  Just send us your topic through the Online Help Desk.

As you browse through these articles, be aware of the requirements of your assignment.  Does your instructor want you to use only scholarly or peer-reviewed articles or are popular magazine articles acceptable? 

Good luck!

The YCCC Library

  • Last Updated Aug 03, 2020
  • Views 294
  • Answered By Amber Tatnall

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