As a new student, how do I log into my YCCC account?

Instructions on how to log in for the first time


As a new student, your account will come with a YCCC issued password that is in the format listed below. If you do not know your student ID number, please reach out to our Admissions department for assistance. It is recommended that your change your password as soon as you can to ensure your account remains safe.

When you log into any YCCC services that are powered by Microsoft 365 for the first time, you will need to set up account recovery options. You will get a message letting you know that the service needs more information from you, and will walk you through the process of setting up an alternative email address and/or phone number.

Your YCCC issued login information should be as follows

Username: sFirstNameLastName (like sJohnSmith)
Password: Yc#ID_NUMBER (For example, Yc#123456 and replace ID_NUMBER with your student ID number)
Email Address: (like

YCCC Services you can log into

Brightspace is our Learning Management System where you will go for online classes. You can get to Brightspace by going to and clicking on the button for YCCC. You can log into Brightspace using your YCCC email address and YCCC issued password or the one you changed it to if you made a new password.

YCCC Email (
YCCC handles email for new students through Microsoft 365 and You can log into your email as a new student by going to YCCC Email and using your YCCC email address and YCCC issued password or the one you changed it to if you made a new password.

NOTE: If you are a returning or current student at YCCC, may redirect you to our legacy on-premise email server. This is temporary, and will be resolved in the near future. If you have any issues, please put in a support ticket.

My YCCC (college portal)
You can log into the college portal by going to Your login for the portal is your YCCC username and your YCCC issued password or the one you changed it to if you made a new password.

Netpartner Financial Aid Portal
Netpartner is a stand-alone login that you set up when creating your account for Netpartner. For assistance logging into Netpartner, please contact the Financial Aid department. You can get to Netpartner by going to

When making a new password, you will need to follow the below guidelines:

  • Minimum of 8 characters

  • Contains both numeric and alphabetic characters*

  • A password history of 6 instances will be retained in the system. Meaning users can not repeat passwords until after 6 unique ones have been used.

  • Contain characters from three of the following four categories:

  • English uppercase characters (A through Z)

  • English lowercase characters (a through z)

  • Base 10 digits (0 through 9)

  • Non-alphabetic characters (for example, !, $, #, %, etc.)

  • Your password cannot contain words or patterns from your username (three consecutive characters).


Video Link:

If you have any issues logging in, please submit a support ticket for assistance.

  • Last Updated Mar 09, 2022
  • Views 3076
  • Answered By Sarah Pierce

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