How do I use OneDrive?


OneDrive How-to

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Web App

Video at:

  1. Sign into OneDrive on the web
    1. Open in your web browser.
    2. Sign in using your YCCC credentials.
    3. Either click the “cloud” icon in the left-hand menu bar or click the “waffle” menu and click OneDrive to open it.
  2. Upload a file or folder:
    1. Click the “Upload” button in the top toolbar.
    2. Click “files” or “folder”.
    3. Navigate to where the file or folder is located on your computer.
    4. Click the file or folder to select it.
    5. To open multiple files or folders, click the first one, then hold down the “CTRL” or “SHIFT” key and select your other items. “CTRL” will allow you to select non-adjacent items, “SHIFT” will select adjacent items.
    6. Click the “Open” button and the selection will upload to OneDrive.
  3. File and Folder Options:
    1. Click the three dots (file menu) icon for options. You can:
      1. Open a file in the browser or desktop app.
      2. Share a link with specific people or everyone.
      3. Download a file or folder to your desktop.


Desktop App

To sign into OneDrive and do the initial set-up

Video Link:

  1. On your computer, search for or use the Start menu to open OneDrive.
  2. Sign in using your YC credentials.
  3. Make sure the “Allow my organization to manage my device” is checked.
  4. Click OK then click done after Microsoft registers your OneDrive.
  5. Note where your folder is located and click Next.
  6. Select the folders you want to start syncing. By default, all folders shown are selected.
  7. Click Continue when done.
  8. Click Next to move through the OneDrive tour. You’ll also have an opportunity to download OneDrive Mobile app to your phone.
  9. Click “Open my OneDrive” to open your OneDrive folder.

Working with files and folder in OneDrive

Video Link:

OneDrive on your desktop works just like File Explorer. You can drag and drop files, move, copy and save directly to OneDrive from an application like Word or Excel. You can also create folders within your OneDrive folder.

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  • Last Updated May 18, 2022
  • Views 47
  • Answered By Sarah Pierce

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